Tuesday 16 September 2008


Welcome to the fifth installation of the Keith B. Taylor Global Scholars Program in Newcastle! Our program continues to grow, and this term will be the best yet! If you’re new or if you’ve been here a while, the start of term is the best time to think about how you can help to make this term truly memorable while also helping to make
a difference. One way is to join the Global Scholars Medical Society. So what IS the GSMS????

The GSMS is the only SGU-affiliated society in the Northumbria University Students Union. It’s a club for
us, run by us, that gives us the freedom to explore the issues that matter most to us. The goal of the GSMS is to promote awareness about the KBT-GSP through community action and provide insight into the field of international medicine through education and volunteering initiatives. As a member of the GSMS, you will be eligible to join PHR, IPH and the SGU Surgical Society, as well as create or join any new club we create through the KBT-GSP. We have also been accepted as the newest branch of MEDSIN through Newcastle University's School of Medicine.
For more information about our events, please click here

To get on our mailing list, please contact me, Matt Thawe, at: thamat@sgu.edu. Or
simply come to the next meeting!

Best of luck this term! We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

-Matt Thawe, President, GSMS